Industry News

Chemically treated metallized PET film: process exploration from melt extrusion to precision molding

Jul 18,2024

In the vast field of materials science, chemically treated metallized PET film has become an indispensable part of modern industry with its unique physical and chemical properties, excellent appearance and wide application potential. The birth of this high-tech product begins with the exquisite transformation of molten PET in the extruder, followed by fine shaping of the die head, and finally achieves a continuous and uniform PET film.

After the PET raw materials are pre-treated to remove impurities and stabilize their structure, they are fed into the high-temperature and high-pressure extruder. Here, the PET particles undergo a gorgeous metamorphosis - from solid to molten state. The screw of the extruder is like a powerful heart, constantly rotating, pushing the PET particles forward and heating them to a molten state. The molten PET becomes soft and viscous, full of fluidity and plasticity, ready for subsequent molding.

The molten PET then flows through a special die head, which is the key link in the molding of PET film. The design of the die head is exquisite and complex, and its interior is full of fine channels that are precisely machined. These channels not only determine the width of the extruded film, but also directly affect the thickness uniformity of the film. When the molten PET flows through the die under the push of the screw, it is forced to extrude from these tiny channels to form streams. These streams quickly cool and solidify in the air, and finally converge into a continuous and uniform PET film. The exquisite design and exquisite craftsmanship of the die ensure the high consistency of the width, thickness and surface flatness of the PET film.

At this time, although the PET film has taken shape, it still needs further processing to improve its performance. Because the film extruded directly from the die, although it has basic physical properties, still needs to be improved in terms of mechanical strength, dimensional stability and surface properties. In order to meet the application needs of different fields, PET film needs to undergo a series of subsequent processing steps, such as stretching, heat treatment, chemical treatment, etc.

Stretching is one of the important means to improve the performance of PET film. Through longitudinal and transverse stretching treatment, the molecular chains of the film are rearranged and oriented, thereby significantly improving its tensile strength, modulus and dimensional stability. This step not only enhances the mechanical properties of the film, but also lays a solid foundation for its subsequent processing and application.

After stretching and strengthening, PET film needs to undergo chemical treatment and metallization and other process steps. Chemical treatment aims to improve the surface properties of the film, such as increasing surface tension and enhancing wettability, so as to better accept subsequent metal plating. Metallization is to deposit a layer of metal (such as aluminum, copper, etc.) evenly on the surface of the film through electroplating or vacuum coating technology to form a compact and bright metal layer. This metal layer not only gives the PET film a metallic luster and texture, but also further improves its weather resistance, corrosion resistance and other properties.

From the exquisite transformation of molten PET in the extruder, to the fine shaping of the die head, to the subsequent stretching and strengthening and chemical treatment metallization, the production process of chemically treated metallized PET film is full of the crystallization of science and technology and wisdom. This series of complex process steps not only shapes the unique form and excellent performance of PET film, but also provides the possibility for its wide application in packaging, decoration, electronics, automobiles and other fields. With the continuous advancement and innovation of technology, we have reason to believe that chemically treated metallized PET film will show broader application prospects and unlimited development potential in the future.

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